Thursday, November 17, 2005

Yesterday was GWEN-ESday!
(oh yeah I just wrote that!)

Me and 13,499 other people - most of them Girls with their Weekend Dads packed the MTS Centre and watched Gwen blast the doors off the place with her pop. The show was both a fashion one and a concert. The only thing I can't get is the camera cell phones - there was like a million of 'em... they're the new lighters at live events! I hope some of you got some good shots with those 1.2 pixel cams... Anyways it was just great to see a A list solo artist in our city - the funny part for me was after the show - walking out I saw all her LA truck driver crew trying to get a huge tour truck unstuck - people were yelling at them "that shit is bananas!!" They weren't to happy - welcome to Winnipeg guys!
What did you think of the show? Let me know - call me @ the station (780.94FM) or post here!

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