Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My Mom's super good for you "HOTH CHILLI" Recipe!
Gotta love this town, yesterday it was fall - today it's Alert Bay... Anyways since today sucks to the max - I thought I'd share with you my Mom's super good for you "HOTH CHILLI" Recipe! NOTE I don't know how much of what to put in... I'm a "do it to taste guy"

-get a some extra lean ground beef (like 4 dollars worth from Safeway)
-a can of tomato soup (Campbell Soup)
-fresh mushrooms (Loveday or Lovejoy)
-red/green/yellow peppers
-a dash of Montreal Steak spice
-a bunch o celery
-a white onion
-chili mix (any kind is good - the lower the sodium the better)
-chili pepper to boot
-crushed red pepper spice
-can o red kidney beans
-a tiny bit o vinegar

FIRST - Fry up the meat and onions in a frying pan and cut up all the rest of the veggies and cook them in a separate one. Once the meat is cooked add the chili mix, and the tomato soup (the chilli pepper/crushed red pepper/Montreal steak spice can be added during the start) Keep everything on low - med heat...

THEN - Add all the cooked veggies and meat into a large pot, then add in the vinegar and kidney beans. Stir and cover and keep adding dashs of the Montreal steak spice (which is great on everything - but do NOT add if you're watching your salt intake)

After about 20 mins your set with some great super good for you HOTH CHILLI!
If Chewie n` Han come over make sure you have enough for Wookie portions...if not your arms will get ripped off... Wookies are known to do that...

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