Friday, November 25, 2005

3 years, 3 seasons, 3 people? Nick & Jessica 2002-2005
We all know it would happen - some of us even prayed for it, but Nick and Jessica have gone the way of all fake marriages. Spiltsville - population - them. The staff here @ the Troy Scott Show officially declared them done about a month ago, they were - however waiting until the slowest newest in the States (Thanksgiving) to make the statement so more media outlets would cover their post pointless money makin' marriage hijinx.

Now here's da twist: Sources have recently told Star that Jessica is pregnant. Despite the split, a source close to the couple tells Star, "They are not filing papers anytime soon. Who knows? Maybe they'll get back together."
Well no they won't unless MTV forks over even more money to Nick and Jessica's clever agents for a new reality show "Newlyborn" Ugh. Well at least we won't have to see yet another Nick & Jessica holiday special this year. That made the Star Wars Holiday special look like Citizen Kane on Ice.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh dear god no....
Be afraid - be warned - be ready to bare arms! While the rest of the world goes on, somewhere out there - Bob 'Full House' Saget is writing a parody of March of the Penguins... I mean why not?! The guy needs all the money he can get - I'm guessing them Full House rerun cheques are running low. Bob 'claims' to have gotten this idea from making wacky wise cracks while watching the movie. I would have guessed Satan or the 3 nine year old boys in front of him at the movie...

The movie of course will be rated R because everyone loves animals cursing for no reason for 90 mins - and will be dubbed French. I guess I'm not bugged so much from Saget, I mean he had to come back sometime... I'm just worried about this fact that my Great Grandma always told me... "Beware Troy... wherever there’s Saget... there’s
Coulier... OR WORSE - STAMOS!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Yesterday was GWEN-ESday!
(oh yeah I just wrote that!)

Me and 13,499 other people - most of them Girls with their Weekend Dads packed the MTS Centre and watched Gwen blast the doors off the place with her pop. The show was both a fashion one and a concert. The only thing I can't get is the camera cell phones - there was like a million of 'em... they're the new lighters at live events! I hope some of you got some good shots with those 1.2 pixel cams... Anyways it was just great to see a A list solo artist in our city - the funny part for me was after the show - walking out I saw all her LA truck driver crew trying to get a huge tour truck unstuck - people were yelling at them "that shit is bananas!!" They weren't to happy - welcome to Winnipeg guys!
What did you think of the show? Let me know - call me @ the station (780.94FM) or post here!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Winnipeg Manitoba is the NEW HOTH!
Luke and Han seriously bummed out - lightsaber / blasters won't work... oh and mutant snow people spotted @ Portage and Main.
WOW - Our city got a huge heepin' dump O snow last nite! 15 cm in most areas, I measure my snow fall with my Blue Box and it was taller - not good according to my Blue Box weather team... Oh well at least now I feel like Christmas shopping! I'll just have to dig my way to a mall...

My Mom's super good for you "HOTH CHILLI" Recipe!
Gotta love this town, yesterday it was fall - today it's Alert Bay... Anyways since today sucks to the max - I thought I'd share with you my Mom's super good for you "HOTH CHILLI" Recipe! NOTE I don't know how much of what to put in... I'm a "do it to taste guy"

-get a some extra lean ground beef (like 4 dollars worth from Safeway)
-a can of tomato soup (Campbell Soup)
-fresh mushrooms (Loveday or Lovejoy)
-red/green/yellow peppers
-a dash of Montreal Steak spice
-a bunch o celery
-a white onion
-chili mix (any kind is good - the lower the sodium the better)
-chili pepper to boot
-crushed red pepper spice
-can o red kidney beans
-a tiny bit o vinegar

FIRST - Fry up the meat and onions in a frying pan and cut up all the rest of the veggies and cook them in a separate one. Once the meat is cooked add the chili mix, and the tomato soup (the chilli pepper/crushed red pepper/Montreal steak spice can be added during the start) Keep everything on low - med heat...

THEN - Add all the cooked veggies and meat into a large pot, then add in the vinegar and kidney beans. Stir and cover and keep adding dashs of the Montreal steak spice (which is great on everything - but do NOT add if you're watching your salt intake)

After about 20 mins your set with some great super good for you HOTH CHILLI!
If Chewie n` Han come over make sure you have enough for Wookie portions...if not your arms will get ripped off... Wookies are known to do that...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Any other Greek Shipping heir's out there for Paris?

WOW! Say it ain't so Stavros!

From STAR Mag:

"He's tired of the whole Paris Hilton drama thing," Star's source said. "She's forever saying, 'Let's party hard like rock stars.' Every night has to be a party." Meanwhile, Stavros' family is said to be outraged. "The family called Stav and said, 'What's going on?'" the source said. "They laid into him and said they loved him, but it was time to cut Paris off. She's a bad influence." It ended when "Stavros walked out," the source says.

"She was yelling, 'Stavros, Stavros, come back.'"

Ahhh ya gotta feel for Paris on this one - I mean she's only got a 5 million dollar trust fund from the Hilton family... that would like tide her over for like what? 3 days tops? This girl KNOWS she needs at least a few billion to make sure she feels a little secure... Paris also needs someone/moron to pony up money to fund her next movie - with of course her as the lead role. I know Hollywood is stupid these days but NO producer is going to make her a lead - no matter how many times she's slept with them! (at this point she's on her 3rd round with EVERYONE in H town)

Looks like the only thing Paris is left with in this wrecked relationship is a $100,000 repair bill for her Bentley which Stavros wrecked when he crashed into a giant cargo van... hey those vans are hard to spot when you've got an armani suit over your head! Back to Greece Stavros - RUN!

Here we go Winnipeg! TTSS is now up and online - or bloggin' I guess.

Anywho - this is the place for all the uncensored text of all that is wrong with this world... Yes I mean the celebrities.

No Lohan, Hilton, Simpson, or hell Affleck is safe on this acre of cyberwaste!

Let the mockin' start weekdays 10am - 2pm CST on Today's Best Music Q-94 FM and 24-7 here online!