Thursday, September 07, 2006

09.07.06The entire world united and ordered Paris Hilton ARRESTED for her unspeakable crimes against humanity!
Okay it wasn't the world...but hey that would have been sweet.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Troy Scott 2.0
Well that was an interesting few weeks wasn't it? I got soooooo many calls asking: 'Are you fired?', 'What's with the change to Q?', 'Where's Beau, Tom and Dez', 'Are you going to be playing Country Music?', 'How do I use a Pressure Cooker?'

I EVEN got a call from the guy I buy my suits from... or that could have been Tony Danza, I'm not sure yet...
ANYWAYS I'm proud to be a BIG part of the NEW Q-94 FM! I got myself a new title too! 'Entertainment Correspondent' and I'm told I'm going to be doing it 24/7... So while I check out my contract and several labour laws - please join the hundreds of thousands of Winnipeggers and check out the NEW Q-94 FM! LISTEN LIVE HERE

Oh and if you wanna know how to use that Pressure Cooker click here.